Amazon Interview Question for Software Engineers

Country: United States
Interview Type: In-Person

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This is a 'merge set' question. Given a graph, figure out which nodes belong to the same connected component and put them into a set.
Since the input comes in as an edge set, UNION FIND will be a good way to solve this.

Initially every node sources to itself. As we read the statement X = Y, we point the source of Y to the source of X so that they join the same set. After all connected components are sorted out. We check the unequal statements X != Y. If any of the X, Y pairs do share the same source, then X != Y contradicts with the equal statements.

public class CheckStatements {
    public boolean validStatements(char[][] equal, char[][] unequal) {
        int[] sets = new int[26];
        for(int i = 0; i < 26; i++) {
            sets[i] = i;

        for(char[] pair: equal) {
            mergeSets(sets, pair[0] - 'A', pair[1] - 'A');
        for(int i = 0; i < 26; i++) {
            findSrc(sets, i);

        for(char[] pair: unequal) {
            if(sets[pair[0] - 'A'] == sets[pair[1] - 'A']) return false;
        return true;

    private int findSrc(int[] sets, int i) {
        int src = i;
        while(src != sets[src]) {
            src = sets[src];
        int tmp;
        while (i != sets[i]) {
            tmp = sets[i];
            sets[i] = src;
            i = tmp;
        return src;

    private void mergeSets(int[] sets, int a, int b) {
        int srcA = findSrc(sets, a);
        int srcB = findSrc(sets, b);
        sets[srcB] = srcA;

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- aonecoding January 27, 2017 | Flag Reply
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you could create a map of sets. the keys are variables, the set is all the variables it's equal to. then run through each non-equal equation and verify the lhs is not in the rhs's equivalency set, and vice versa.

public static boolean validateFunctions(String[][] equals, String[][] notEquals) {
		Map<String, Set<String>> equivalencyMap = new HashMap<>();
		// Assume print 2xN matrix where row 0 = lhs and row 1 = rhs
		final int lhs = 0;
		final int rhs = 1;
		for(int i = 0; i<equals.length; i++) {

			// Store lhs equivalence
			String l = equals[lhs][i];
			String r = equals[rhs][i];
			addToMap(equivalencyMap, l, r);
			addToMap(equivalencyMap, r, l);
		for(int i = 0; i<equals.length; i++) {
			// Store lhs equivalence
			String l = notEquals[lhs][i];
			String r = notEquals[rhs][i];
			if(checkMap(equivalencyMap, l, r))
				return false;
			if (checkMap(equivalencyMap, r, l))
				return false;
		return true;

- BenC January 31, 2017 | Flag Reply
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public class Pair{
	char first;
	char last;
//Using Disjoint sets.
public boolean isValid(Pair[] pairs, Pair[] unequals){
	Map<Character,Character> ds = new HashMap<Character,Character>();
	for(char x = 'A'; x <= 'Z'; x++){
	for(Pair p: pairs){
		char parent1 = find(ds,p.first);
		char parent2 = find(ds,p.sec);
		if(parent1 != parent2){
			if(parent1 < parent2){
				ds.put(parent2, parent1);
				ds.put(parent1, parent2);
	for(Pair p: unequals){
		char parent1 = find(ds,p.first);
		char parent2 = find(ds,p.sec);
		if(parent1 == parent2){
			return false;
	return true;

private char find(Map<Character,Character> ds, char x){
	char r = ds.get(x);
	if(r == x){
		return r;
	r = find(ds,x);
	return r;

- divm01986 January 28, 2017 | Flag Reply
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That's a bit tricky question.
There several way how we can implement the UnionFind approach.
First of all we should not consider equation like a character, approach should be more general.
Moreover, It is really depends on how much items in first sequence we will have and how mush items in the second one. Depends of that you can modify your algorithm.
In general, one of operations can cost you O(n) and another one O(1).

- Mike L January 28, 2017 | Flag Reply
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We can solve this using union and find.
1) For the first set of equation: whenever you see something like A=C, do union of A and C. When you see A!=C, do nothing.

2) For the second set of equations:
When you find A=C. Go to the data structure built from first step and see root (or parent) of A and C are same, if so we are good. If not, then set of equations is not compatible.
Similarly when you see A!=C, you want to make sure root of A and C in data structure built from first step are not the same.

- codingwarrior01 January 30, 2017 | Flag Reply
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Its Called Bucket Mapping where we put all code in different bucket and if there is another set which is equal to same bucket, wew dont change bucket insted we define same bucket value, So all the char representing same bucket automatially equals to another bucket.

May be I left any edge case but that can be covered using if else

public class ValidateBooleanStatements {

private HashMap<Character, Integer> storage= new HashMap<Character, Integer>();
private HashMap<Integer, Integer> bucketMapper= new HashMap<>();

public int getRandomId(){
Random random= new Random();
return random.nextInt();

public void validateStatements(List<Pair> equals, List<Pair> unequal) throws Exception{
for(Pair pair:equals){
int randomNumber= getRandomId();
Integer aa=storage.get(pair.a);
Integer bb=storage.get(pair.b);
// case: where a and b both are same
if(aa==null){// it doesnt exist, add it first time
bucketMapper.put(randomNumber, randomNumber);
}else{//case: where both are different
if(aa!=null && bb!=null){// where both have already entry
if(aa!=bb){// where both arent equal yet
//change bucket
bucketMapper.put(bb, bucketMapper.get(aa));// now in bucket mapper both have same source where in storage they have diffrent bucket ID
}// if aa==bb they already are in same bucket and equal
}else if(aa!=null){
storage.put(pair.b, storage.get(pair.a));
// if a has already entry than put it in the same bucket
}else if(bb!=null){
storage.put(pair.a, storage.get(pair.b));
//if b has already an entry, put a in same bucket
}else if(aa==null && bb==null){
storage.put(pair.a, randomNumber);
storage.put(pair.b, randomNumber);
bucketMapper.put(randomNumber, randomNumber);

// we are just validating unequals not entering in storage.

for(Pair pair: unequal){
if(bucketMapper.get(storage.get(pair.a)) == bucketMapper.get(storage.get(pair.b))){
System.out.println(pair.a+"-"+pair.b+" Error");


public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception{
List<Pair> equal= new ArrayList<>();
List<Pair> unequal= new ArrayList<>();

equal.add(new Pair('A', 'B'));
equal.add(new Pair('B', 'D'));
equal.add(new Pair('C', 'D'));

equal.add(new Pair('F', 'G'));
equal.add(new Pair('G', 'H'));
equal.add(new Pair('H', 'C'));

unequal.add(new Pair('A', 'C'));

new ValidateBooleanStatements().validateStatements(equal, unequal);


class Pair{
Character a;
Character b;

Pair(Character a, Character b){

- Rohit Kumar February 01, 2017 | Flag Reply
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Its Called Bucket Mapping where we put all code in different bucket and if there is another set which is equal to same bucket, wew dont change bucket insted we define same bucket value, So all the char representing same bucket automatially equals to another bucket.

May be I left any edge case but that can be covered using if else

public class ValidateBooleanStatements {
	private HashMap<Character, Integer> storage= new HashMap<Character, Integer>();
	private HashMap<Integer, Integer> bucketMapper= new HashMap<>();
	public int getRandomId(){
		Random random= new Random();
		return random.nextInt();
	public void validateStatements(List<Pair> equals, List<Pair> unequal) throws Exception{
		for(Pair pair:equals){
			int randomNumber= getRandomId();
			Integer aa=storage.get(pair.a);
			Integer bb=storage.get(pair.b);
			// case: where a and b both are same
				if(aa==null){// it doesnt exist, add it first time
					bucketMapper.put(randomNumber, randomNumber);
			}else{//case: where both are different
				if(aa!=null && bb!=null){// where both have already entry
					if(aa!=bb){// where both arent equal yet
						//change bucket
						bucketMapper.put(bb, bucketMapper.get(aa));// now in bucket mapper both have same source where in storage they have diffrent bucket ID
					}// if aa==bb they already are in same bucket and equal
				}else if(aa!=null){
					storage.put(pair.b, storage.get(pair.a));
					// if a has already entry than put it in the same bucket
				}else if(bb!=null){
					storage.put(pair.a, storage.get(pair.b));
					//if b has already an entry, put a in same bucket
				}else if(aa==null && bb==null){
					storage.put(pair.a, randomNumber);
					storage.put(pair.b, randomNumber);
					bucketMapper.put(randomNumber, randomNumber);
		// we are just validating unequals not entering in storage.
		for(Pair pair: unequal){
			if(bucketMapper.get(storage.get(pair.a)) == bucketMapper.get(storage.get(pair.b))){
				System.out.println(pair.a+"-"+pair.b+" Error");

	public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception{
		List<Pair> equal= new ArrayList<>();
		List<Pair> unequal= new ArrayList<>();
		equal.add(new Pair('A', 'B'));
		equal.add(new Pair('B', 'D'));
		equal.add(new Pair('C', 'D'));
		equal.add(new Pair('F', 'G'));
		equal.add(new Pair('G', 'H'));
		equal.add(new Pair('H', 'C'));
		unequal.add(new Pair('A', 'C'));
		new ValidateBooleanStatements().validateStatements(equal, unequal);

class Pair{
	Character a;
	Character b;
	Pair(Character a, Character b){

- Rohit Kumar February 01, 2017 | Flag Reply
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Try below if could help

public class DS {

	public static boolean checkEq(List<Equation> list1, List<Equation> list2)
		for(Equation eq1: list1)
			for(Equation eq2: list2)
				if(eq1.var1.equals(eq2.var1) && eq1.var2.equals(eq2.var2))
					if(eq1.isEqual != eq2.isEqual)
						return false;
		return true;
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		List<Equation> list1 = new ArrayList<>();
		List<Equation> list2 = new ArrayList<>();
		Equation eq1 = new Equation("A","B",true);
		Equation eq2 = new Equation("A","C",true);
		Equation eq3 = new Equation("C","D",true);
		Equation eq4 = new Equation("A","C",false);
		Equation eq5 = new Equation("A","B",true);
		System.out.println(checkEq(list1, list2));

where Equation is a class check below

public class Equation {

	public String var1;
	public String var2;
	public boolean isEqual;

	public Equation(String firstVar, String secondVar, boolean isEqual) {
		var1 = firstVar;
		var2 = secondVar;
		this.isEqual = isEqual;

- Tarun Dhankhar February 02, 2017 | Flag Reply
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Try below if it could help

public class DS {

	public static boolean checkEq(List<Equation> list1, List<Equation> list2)
		for(Equation eq1: list1)
			for(Equation eq2: list2)
				if(eq1.var1.equals(eq2.var1) && eq1.var2.equals(eq2.var2))
					if(eq1.isEqual != eq2.isEqual)
						return false;
		return true;
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		List<Equation> list1 = new ArrayList<>();
		List<Equation> list2 = new ArrayList<>();
		Equation eq1 = new Equation("A","B",true);
		Equation eq2 = new Equation("A","C",true);
		Equation eq3 = new Equation("C","D",true);
		Equation eq4 = new Equation("A","C",false);
		Equation eq5 = new Equation("A","B",true);
		System.out.println(checkEq(list1, list2));


public class Equation {

	public String var1;
	public String var2;
	public boolean isEqual;

	public Equation(String firstVar, String secondVar, boolean isEqual) {
		var1 = firstVar;
		var2 = secondVar;
		this.isEqual = isEqual;

- Anonymous February 02, 2017 | Flag Reply
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Here is my solution in c++:

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

using namespace std;

void fv(vector<int>&v)
    unsigned int i = 0;
        while(i<=v.size()) {
            if(v[i]==-1) {
            for(unsigned int j=i+1;j<=v.size();j++ ) {

void pv(vector<int>&v){
        for(vector<int>::iterator it=v.begin();it!=v.end();it++)
        cout<<*it<<" ";

vector<int> merge(vector<int>&v1, vector<int>&v2) {
    for(unsigned int i=0;i<=v1.size();i++)
    for(unsigned int j=0;j<=v2.size();j++)
    unsigned int i;
    for(unsigned int j = 0; j<i; j++){
        if(v1.size()>j && v1[j]!=-1)
        if(v2.size()>j && v2[j]!=-1)
    return v3;

int main()
vector<int> v1 = {1,1,1,2,5};
vector<int> v2 = {2,2,2,5,9,11,19};


vector<int>v3 = merge(v1, v2);

- sree February 03, 2017 | Flag Reply
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class Equation:
    visited= list()
    series1=['A = B', 'B = D', 'C = D', 'F = G', 'E = H', 'H = C']
    series2=['A != C', 'D != H', 'F != A']
    def GetEquivalentValue(self,mychar):
        for equ in self.series1:
            if equ[0] not in self.visited and equ[-1] not in self.visited:
                if mychar.strip() in equ[0]:
                elif mychar.strip() in equ[-1]:
        if len(resultlist) == 0:
            return False,""
        return resultlist

    def EvaluateEquations(self,val1,val2):
        resultlist = self.GetEquivalentValue(val1)
        if not resultlist[0]:
        if val2 in resultlist:
            return True
        for result in resultlist:
            if flag == True:
                return True
        return False
if __name__ == "__main__":
    eq= Equation()
    for subseries in eq.series2:
        if flag:
            print "Invalid"
        elif not flag:
            print "Valid"

- ankitpatel2100 February 05, 2017 | Flag Reply
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Assuming the only operation appearing in the equations are != and =, we can use a graph. We can parse the first set of equation and for each e.g. A=B create an edge from A to B and B to A.

Now during validation an equation with "=" means there should be a path from left operand to right and "!=" means no path should exist.

- travellingDijekstra February 10, 2017 | Flag Reply
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Why can we just keep a list of all the characters which are equal something like if we have A=B, B=C, C=D. Keep a list (or Set) {A,B,C,D). Now when you are evaluating not equal cases like A!=B just make sure that LHS and RHS don't simultaneously appear in the set for a single evaluation. If all != satisfy the constraints then entire set of equations would be consistent otherwise not.

- Aayush February 15, 2017 | Flag Reply
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Its Called Bucket Mapping where we put all code in different bucket and if there is another set which is equal to same bucket, wew dont change bucket insted we define same bucket value, So all the char representing same bucket automatially equals to another bucket.

May be I left any edge case but that can be covered using if else

public class ValidateBooleanStatements {

private HashMap<Character, Integer> storage= new HashMap<Character, Integer>();
private HashMap<Integer, Integer> bucketMapper= new HashMap<>();

public int getRandomId(){
Random random= new Random();
return random.nextInt();

public void validateStatements(List<Pair> equals, List<Pair> unequal) throws Exception{
for(Pair pair:equals){
int randomNumber= getRandomId();
Integer aa=storage.get(pair.a);
Integer bb=storage.get(pair.b);
// case: where a and b both are same
if(aa==null){// it doesnt exist, add it first time
bucketMapper.put(randomNumber, randomNumber);
}else{//case: where both are different
if(aa!=null && bb!=null){// where both have already entry
if(aa!=bb){// where both arent equal yet
//change bucket
bucketMapper.put(bb, bucketMapper.get(aa));// now in bucket mapper both have same source where in storage they have diffrent bucket ID
}// if aa==bb they already are in same bucket and equal
}else if(aa!=null){
storage.put(pair.b, storage.get(pair.a));
// if a has already entry than put it in the same bucket
}else if(bb!=null){
storage.put(pair.a, storage.get(pair.b));
//if b has already an entry, put a in same bucket
}else if(aa==null && bb==null){
storage.put(pair.a, randomNumber);
storage.put(pair.b, randomNumber);
bucketMapper.put(randomNumber, randomNumber);

// we are just validating unequals not entering in storage.

for(Pair pair: unequal){
if(bucketMapper.get(storage.get(pair.a)) == bucketMapper.get(storage.get(pair.b))){
System.out.println(pair.a+"-"+pair.b+" Error");


public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception{
List<Pair> equal= new ArrayList<>();
List<Pair> unequal= new ArrayList<>();

equal.add(new Pair('A', 'B'));
equal.add(new Pair('B', 'D'));
equal.add(new Pair('C', 'D'));

equal.add(new Pair('F', 'G'));
equal.add(new Pair('G', 'H'));
equal.add(new Pair('H', 'C'));

unequal.add(new Pair('A', 'C'));

new ValidateBooleanStatements().validateStatements(equal, unequal);


class Pair{
Character a;
Character b;

Pair(Character a, Character b){

- Rohit Kumar February 01, 2017 | Flag Reply

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