Facebook Interview Question for Software Developers

Country: United States
Interview Type: Phone Interview

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is the expression an AST? meaning for example

  /    \
a       +
       /    \
     1      2

was originally a * (1+2)

is the order of the expressions given in such a way there exists a solution without the need to reorder

x = 2
y = 2
return x * y


return x * y
x = 2
y = 3

if so, then I would suggest to treat assign expressions in a way that the left node provides the variable name and the right node is the expression being evaluated recursively (of course can and should be done in a more OO way)

variables[assignment.left] = evaluate(assignment.right, variables)
def evaluate(root, variables):
	if isinstance(root, BinaryOp):
		if root.operator = '+':
			return evaluate(root.left) + evaluate(root.right)
		elif root.oeprator = '*':
			return evaluate(root.left) * evaluate(root.right)
	elif isinstance(root, VariableRef):
		return variables[root.variableName]
	elif isinstance(root, Number)
		return root.value
	raise "error"

and return expression as

return evaluate(return.expression, variables)

of course things like types and other semantic rules need to be defined...

- Chris August 13, 2017 | Flag Reply
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of 2 vote

This question ain't that clear.. A little bit of more explanation was definitely needed..

- Rahul Padhy August 14, 2017 | Flag Reply
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Humm for me the question as an input you have an array of trees with operators, they share the memory between them so you can have variables. As an output you have to return the result of the trees that have an operation of return. Here is the code in python that solves the problem. (As I think it is)

class node:
    def __init__(self, value):
        self.value = value
        self.right = self.left = None

def AnalyzeClousure():
    mem = dict()
    def _(root):
        # Integer
        if type(root.value) == int: return root.value
        # Variable
        if type(root.value) == str and len(root.value) == 1\
                and root.value not in "+-*/": 
            if root.value in mem:
                return mem[root.value]
                return root.value
        # Return
        if root.value == 'Return': return AnalyzeTree(root.left)
        op = root.value
        left = AnalyzeTree(root.left)
        right = AnalyzeTree(root.right)
        if op == 'Assign': mem[left] = right
        if op == '+': return left + right
        if op == '-': return left - right
        if op == '*': return left * right
        if op == '/': return left / right
    return _
AnalyzeTree = AnalyzeClousure()

a = node("Assign")
a.left = node("x")
a.right = node('+')
a.right.left = node(2)
a.right.right = node(3)

b = node("Return")
b.left = node("x")

print map(AnalyzeTree, [a, b])

- Fernando August 15, 2017 | Flag Reply
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This question is pretty straightforward. Result is -4720. You need to maintain a symbol lookup table (x = 5, y = 4970, etc.)

public class ExpressionTree {

    public static void main(String... args) {
        ArrayList<node> list = get();
        for (node n : list) {

    static HashMap<String, Integer> lookup = new HashMap<String, Integer>();

    static int eval(node n) {
        if (n == null) return 0;
        if (n.L == null && n.R == null) {
            try {
                return n.getInt();
            } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                //lookup symbol table
                return lookup.get(n.value);

        if (isOperator(n)) {
            int l = eval(n.L);
            int r = eval(n.R);
            switch (n.value.charAt(0)) {
                case '+': return l + r;
                case '-': return l - r;
                case '*': return l * r;
                case '/': return l / r;
        } else if (n.value.equals("Assign")) {
            lookup.put(n.L.value, eval(n.R));
            return 0;
        } else if (n.value.equals("Return")) {
            int result = eval(n.R);
            return 0;

        throw new IllegalArgumentException("unknown node value " + n.value);

    static boolean isOperator(node n) {
        return n.value.equals("+") || n.value.equals("-") || n.value.equals("*") || n.value.equals("/");

    static ArrayList<node> get() {
        ArrayList<node> nodes = new ArrayList<node>();
        node assign1 = new node("Assign");
        assign1.L = new node("x");
        assign1.R = new node("+");
        assign1.R.L = new node("2");
        assign1.R.R = new node("3");

        node assign2 = new node("Assign");
        assign2.L = new node("y");
        assign2.R = new node("-");
        assign2.R.L = new node("5000");
        assign2.R.R = new node("30");

        node assign3 = new node("Assign");
        assign3.L = new node("z");
        assign3.R = new node("*");
        assign3.R.L = new node("50");
        assign3.R.R = new node("x");

        node result = new node("Return");
        result.R = new node("-");
        result.R.L = new node("z");
        result.R.R = new node("*");
        result.R.R.L = new node("1");
        result.R.R.R = new node("y");

        return nodes;


class node {
    public String value;
    public node L, R;
    public node(String value) {
        this.value = value;
    public int getInt() {
        return Integer.valueOf(value);


- timpham2003 September 10, 2017 | Flag Reply
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The key here is to maintain a hash table with previously computed variables:

#include "Common.h"

static std::unordered_map<std::string, int> Variables;

static bool is_number(const std::string& str)
        return false;
        return (str.find_first_not_of("0123456789") == std::string::npos);

struct ASTNode
    enum eOperator { kNone, kPlus, kMin, kStar, kDiv, kAssign, kReturn };

    eOperator _operator = kNone;

    ASTNode* _left;
    ASTNode* _right;
    std::string _value;

    ASTNode(eOperator oper, ASTNode* left, ASTNode* right)
        : _operator(oper)
        , _left(left)
        , _right(right)

    ASTNode(const std::string& value)
        : _left(NULL)
        , _right(NULL)
        , _value(value)

    bool isLeaf() const { return (_left == NULL) && (_right == NULL); }

    int processValue()
        switch(_operator) {
        case kNone:
            if(Variables.count(_value)) {
                return Variables[_value];
            if(!is_number(_value)) throw std::string("Leaf node is not a number. " + _value);
            return atoi(_value.c_str());
        case kPlus:
            return _left->processValue() + _right->processValue();
        case kStar:
            return _left->processValue() * _right->processValue();
        case kMin:
            return _left->processValue() - _right->processValue();
        case kDiv:
            return _left->processValue() / _right->processValue();
        case kAssign: {
            int rv = _right->processValue();
            Variables[_left->_value] = rv;
            return rv;
        case kReturn: {
            return _right->processValue();

void compute_tree()
        ASTNode* l = new ASTNode("2");
        ASTNode* r = new ASTNode("3");
        ASTNode* op = new ASTNode(ASTNode::kPlus, l, r);

        ASTNode* xNode = new ASTNode("x");
        ASTNode* assign = new ASTNode(ASTNode::kAssign, xNode, op);
        std::cout << "x=2+3=" << assign->processValue() << std::endl;
        ASTNode* l = new ASTNode("5000");
        ASTNode* r = new ASTNode("30");
        ASTNode* op = new ASTNode(ASTNode::kMin, l, r);

        ASTNode* xNode = new ASTNode("y");
        ASTNode* assign = new ASTNode(ASTNode::kAssign, xNode, op);
        std::cout << "y=5000-30=" << assign->processValue() << std::endl;
        ASTNode* l = new ASTNode("50");
        ASTNode* r = new ASTNode("x");
        ASTNode* op = new ASTNode(ASTNode::kStar, l, r);

        ASTNode* xNode = new ASTNode("z");
        ASTNode* assign = new ASTNode(ASTNode::kAssign, xNode, op);
        std::cout << "z=50*x=" << assign->processValue() << std::endl;
        ASTNode* l = new ASTNode("1");
        ASTNode* r = new ASTNode("y");
        ASTNode* op1 = new ASTNode(ASTNode::kStar, l, r);

        ASTNode* z = new ASTNode("z");
        ASTNode* op2 = new ASTNode(ASTNode::kMin, z, op1);
        // for the "return" node , we only compute the right node
        ASTNode* assign = new ASTNode(ASTNode::kReturn, NULL, op2);
        std::cout << "z-(1*y)=" << assign->processValue() << std::endl;


- PenChief September 18, 2017 | Flag Reply
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of 1 vote

This is pretty vague and could definitely use some more explanation on what they're trying to get at ... but here's my stab at it.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

// -------------------------------------------------------------
class Solution

    // -------------------------------------------------------------
    static void Main(string[] args)
        List<Node> symbols = new List<Node>();
        symbols.Add( buildX() );
        symbols.Add( buildY() );
        symbols.Add( buildZ() );
        int result = evaluate( buildTest(), symbols );
        Console.WriteLine( "Result: {0}", result );

    // -------------------------------------------------------------
    enum Type
        // values
        Int,          // node defines an int value
        Symbol,       // node defines a symbol
        // operations
        Add,          // add left and right children
        Subtract,     // sub left and right children
        Multiply,      // mul left and right children

        // evaluations
        Return,       // eval right tree and return
        // symbol definitions
        Assign,       // defines a symbol and its value, left symbol is the eval of right

    // -------------------------------------------------------------
    class Node
        // all nodes have a type decribing what do with with
        public Type Type;              // the node type
        // for nodes that hold values
        public string SymbolValue;     // symbol value
        public int IntValue;           // int value
        // children nodes as required for anything except int and symbol nodes
        public Node Left;
        public Node Right;

        // constructors
        public Node( Type type ) { Type = type; }
        public Node( string symbolValue ) { Type = Type.Symbol; SymbolValue = symbolValue; }
        public Node( int intValue ) { Type = Type.Int; IntValue = intValue; }
    // -------------------------------------------------------------
    static Node buildX()
        Node root = new Node( Type.Assign );
        root.Left = new Node( "x" );
        root.Right = new Node( Type.Add );
        root.Right.Left = new Node( 2 );
        root.Right.Right = new Node( 3 );
        return root;

    // -------------------------------------------------------------
    static Node buildY()
        Node root = new Node( Type.Assign );
        root.Left = new Node( "y" );
        root.Right = new Node( Type.Subtract );
        root.Right.Left = new Node( 5000 );
        root.Right.Right = new Node( 30 );
        return root;

    // -------------------------------------------------------------
    static Node buildZ()
        Node root = new Node( Type.Assign );
        root.Left = new Node( "z" );
        root.Right = new Node( Type.Multiply );
        root.Right.Left = new Node( 50 );
        root.Right.Right = new Node( "x" );
        return root;

    // -------------------------------------------------------------
    static Node buildTest()
        Node root = new Node( Type.Return );
        root.Right = new Node( Type.Subtract );
        root.Right.Left = new Node( "z" );
        root.Right.Right = new Node( Type.Multiply );
        root.Right.Right.Left = new Node( 1 );
        root.Right.Right.Right = new Node( "y" );
        return root;

    // -------------------------------------------------------------
    static Node findSymbol( string symbol, List<Node> symbols )
        // sanity
        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty( symbol ) || symbols == null)
            return null;
        foreach (Node symbolNode in symbols)
            if (symbolNode.Left.SymbolValue == symbol)
                return symbolNode;
        return null;

    // -------------------------------------------------------------
    static int evaluate( Node node, List<Node> symbols )
        // sanity
        if (node == null)
            throw new System.InvalidOperationException( "Invalid node" );
        switch (node.Type)
            // values
            case Type.Int: return node.IntValue;
            case Type.Symbol:
                Node symbolNode = findSymbol( node.SymbolValue, symbols );
                if (symbolNode == null)
                    throw new System.InvalidOperationException( "Invalid symbol" );
                return evaluate( symbolNode.Right, symbols );

            // operations
            case Type.Add: return evaluate( node.Left, symbols ) + evaluate( node.Right, symbols );
            case Type.Subtract: return evaluate( node.Left, symbols ) - evaluate( node.Right, symbols );
            case Type.Multiply: return evaluate( node.Left, symbols ) * evaluate( node.Right, symbols );
            // actions
            case Type.Return: return evaluate( node.Right, symbols );
            // assignments are not evaluated, they define symbols
            case Type.Assign: break;
        throw new System.InvalidOperationException( "Node cannot be evaluated" );

- colin@colinday.net August 31, 2017 | Flag Reply

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